Realistic MG-1

Realistic MG-1

This is a collection of modifications for a Realistic Moog MG-1 to add MIDI control, filter input, and other improvements. The MIDI input allows the MG-1 to be played or sequenced externally, freeing your hands to control the MG1 in real-time. The filter input accepts line level input which can be driven to distortion at high levels. The routing gets interesting when you combine MIDI control with filter input - you can send the audio and MIDI output from a MIDI synth or computer to the MG1. With keyboard tracking set to full, the VCF frequency tracks the MIDI CV, allowing control of the filter cutoff as well.

Realistic MG-1 Modification Modifications Realistic MG-1 Modification Block Diagram

Keyboard / MIDI CV Switch MG-1 Ports

These modifications transform the existing MG-1 into a responsive and MIDI-controllable vintage Moog synthesizer.

MIDI Input

Unpopulated MIDI2CV PCB Populated MIDI2CV PCB


External audio input to filter

1/4" Audio jacks for input and output

Improved gate response


Multitrigger & continuous glide

Realistic MG-1 Multitrigger Debugging Debugging connections before final install


Octave pitch drop


Pulse-width modification


Sticky black foam removal